Thursday, October 18, 2007

Adventure 9

At the Kinsei headquarters, Kyle Katarn was quite busy interrogating the imprisoned Dashade, Tellis Krath, who had been brought back by the party from Corulag. In addition, he had to sort through all the collected trophies of the party before returning them. Nos Maliss continually insisted that the research and interrogation of his brethren be reported to him, but no significant progress was made. Meanwhile, the droid made friends with Sergeant Gelkis, the ornery quartermaster who had taken a disliking to the two Kinsei. Gelkis offered to upgrade its arm, and gave it a very glitchy one while doing so.

The party enjoyed that night off, but took their partying a tad too far when they began a barfight in an effort to avoid the Mon Calamari Admiral who had taken a liking to the Prodigy. They also found their way to a rather secret club owned by the Rodian "entrepreneur" Freego. While they were there, they ran into their superior officer, Pakron Ajanos. Ajanos (a very competitive individual) challenged the Dashade to a drinking contest, but lost. During the remainder of the night, they carried his unconscious body around and used him as the butt of many, many jokes.

In the morning, the two Kinsei made appointments with Luke and Leia Skywalker in order to find out more about the Sith cult that they had heard about on Corulag. The Prodigy spoke to Luke while Maliss met with Leia. Neither meeting went particularly well, possibly because of the horrific hangovers they had, or perhaps because of their bad habit of empathically communicating with each other. Maliss had been kept waiting because Leia was meeting with Captain Han Solo, who Maliss greeting with anger in the antechamber. In Luke's meeting space, his next appointment after the Prodigy was Mara Jade, who didn't let on that the two of them were both members of the Emperors Hands. Neither were able to get much information from either of the twins, probably because there was no new information to learn.

The next day, the party received its orders from a less-than-thrilled Ajanos. (His spirits slightly returned when the droid returned his hat.) They were to disrupt the Black Sun by assassinating a Vigo who would be traveling through the streets of Coruscant that evening with his motorcade. They hoped that it would slow the Black Sun disruptions of the project to restore the Dashade race. In order to clear the street of civilians, the party was given a large holoprojector that would create holograms of a crowd of civilians.

They prepared by clearing the streets and setting up explosives from the droid's near-limitless supply of detonite, which it had taken to hiding in a "party ball" in its quarters. The pair of Kinsei slipped into the holographic crowd while the droid took a position in the second floor of a nearby building. The motorcade eventually arrived in the form of four speeders and two hovertanks. Despite being unprepared for a challenge quite this large, the trio moved as surreptitiously as possible into an advantageous position. However, the hulking Dashade was spotted as out of place by some of the speeders, who fired on him without much hesitation. He took several direct shots before getting his lightsaber out to deflect them.

With their cover blown, the party moved against the speeders first. The Prodigy used the Force to lift the riders off the speeders and throw them at each other, while the droid launched a barrage of missiles from its shiny new missile-launcher arm. The tanks laid down dangerous and devastating return fire, nearly destroying the building the droid was in. IG-203, seeing the building come down around it, used its jetpack to launch out of the building while firing another shot at one of the tanks and landing prone atop the other. Maliss, hurt but still moving, leapt over the tank that the droid had hit and stabbed his lightsaber through one of the speeder pilots on the other side.

The tanks concentrated their fire on the Kinsei, but the pair was able to withstand the energy barrages. When the tanks moved to shrapnel-based attacks, they began to see more success. However, the party had destroyed or disabled all the speeders at that point, and moved on to the tanks. Maliss, gripped by the Dark Side, harnessed his rage to deliver three terrifying blows to the tank nearest him, nearly outright destroying it. The other tank, which had set off the placed explosives while trying to leave the area, smoked from the inside as the droid cut a hole in the top of it with a lightsaber thrown by the Prodigy and dropped three grenades in. Damaged, it exploded as the party scrambled for cover. With the success of their mission, they made their way to Kinsei Headquarters to recover.

You think 4 CL 4 speeders and 2 CL 8 tanks would be enough to kill a party of 3 level 5 characters, but Lance rolls 20s. Lots of 20s. Also, Kelsey wasn't able to make it, but she's a flaky one. I don't know if she'll return on any regular basis. Anyhow, we weren't able to play last week, as Rob's also got issues. We're only 2-3 adventures away from the final showdown to this volume!

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