Sunday, August 12, 2007


The main addition of the campaign is the new Force tradition, the Kinsei. Loyal to the Emperor and devoted to balance, practitioners do not tie themselves exclusively to neither the Dark nor Light Sides. Add the following talent tree and prestige classes.

Talent Tree: Kinsei (Available to Jedi class.)

- Scourge of Absolutes: Against creatures with a Dark Side Score equal to 0 or his Wisdom Score, you gain a +1 Force bonus on attack and damage rolls.

- Resist the Extremes: You gain a +3 Force bonus to all Defense scores against Force powers with the [dark side] or [light side] descriptors and all Force powers originating from any Force-user whose Dark Side Score equals 0 or his Wisdom score.

Prerequisite: Scourge of Absolutes

- Harness the Dark Side: A number of times per day equal to your Wisdom modifier, you can use a Force power with the [dark side] descriptor without gaining an increase to your Dark Side Score.

- Call to Balance: As a swift action, you can expend any 2 Force powers to return any expended Force power to your suite of available Force Powers.

- Cry of Balance: As a swift action, you can expend any 1 Force power to gain a use of Surge or Battle Strike, even if you do not normally have these powers in your suite. This power must be used this encounter or it is lost.

Prerequisite: Call to Balance

Kinsei Honor Guard

A Kinsei who proves himself by valorously protecting his sector of the Galaxy can be invited into the Honor Guard. While it is a prestigious honor within the Empire, it is also a great responsibility. Members of the Honor Guard have a much greater degree of autonomy and are not tied to any specific sector, but rather used as mobile agents to investigate and respond to various threats.


Minimum Heroic Level: 7th

Trained Skills: Use the Force

Feats: Force Sensitivity, Weapon Proficiency (lightsabers)

Special: Must have sworn loyalty to Empire

Game Rule Information

Hit Points: Kinsei Honor Guards gain 1d10 hit points + their Constitution modifier.

Force Points: Kinsei Honor Guards increase their maximum limit of Force Points by 1. This bonus does not stack with the bonus granted by Sith Apprentice, Jedi Knight, or Force Adept.

Class Features

Defense Bonuses: +2 to Reflex, Fortitude, and Will Defense.

Talents: At every odd-numbered level, you select a talent. The talent may be selected from the Kinsei talent tree (Jedi), the Armor Specialist talent tree (Soldier), the Kinsei Mastery talent tree (presented below), or the Leadership talent tree (Noble).

Force Techniques: At every even-numbered level, you gain one Force technique.

Kinsei Mastery Talent Tree

- Golden Middle: Once per day, as a free action, when you use a Force power with the [dark side] descriptor, you may also spend a Force Point to use a Force Power with the [light side] descriptor. You cannot use other talents from the Kinsei or Kinsei Master talent trees in the same round as this talent.

- Focused Control: When maintaining Force grip or move object, you only take a -2 penalty per round.

- Dichotomy: Whenever you use a Force power with the [light side] descriptor after using a power with the [dark side] descriptor in the previous round, or vice-versa, you can either move up one step on the condition track or gain a +1 Force bonus to your Defenses and attack rolls for the remainder of the encounter. This effect cannot trigger in consecutive rounds.

- Avoid Absolutes: When using Force Points to lower your Dark Side Score, you may reduce your Dark Side Score by 2 instead of 1, as long as this does not reduce your Dark Side Score to 0.

Master Kinsei

The greatest Kinsei of the Honor Guard are considered Masters. Many of the current Masters were personally trained by Emperor Skywalker. The Masters represent the elite who have wholly dedicated themselves to the balance of the Force, the protection of the galaxy, and the will of the Emperor.


Minimum Heroic Level: 12th

Trained Skills: Use the Force

Feats: Force Sensitivity, Weapon Proficiency (Lightsabers)

Force Techniques: Any one

Dark Side Score: Your Dark Side Score must not be equal to 0 or your Wisdom Score. If your Dark Side Score ever becomes 0 or equal to your Wisdom Score, you lose access to all class features granted by this class until your Dark Side Score again does not equal your Wisdom score or 0.

Special: Must be a member of the Kinsei Corps.

Game Rule Information

Hit Points: 1d10 + Constitution

Force Points: Kinsei Honor Guards increase their maximum limit of Force Points by 1. This bonus does not stack with the bonus granted by Sith Lord, Jedi Master, or Force Disciple.

Class Features

Defense Bonsuses: +3 to Reflex, Fortitude, and Will Defense.

Fearless: You are immune to fear effects.

Talents: At every odd-numbered level, you select a talent. The talent may be selected from the Kinsei talent tree, the Kinsei Mastery talent tree, or any Force talent tree. You must meet the prerequisites (if any) of the chosen talent.

Force Secret: At 2nd level and every level thereafter, you gain one Force secret.

Center Path: As a standard action, you may use your understanding of the balance of the Force to deaden another’s connection to it. Make a Use the Force check and compare it to the Will Defense of a single opponent within line of sight. If the attack succeeds, he loses one Force Point. You may spend a Force Point to cause him to lose an additional Force Point, even if the attack fails.

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