Monday, August 13, 2007

Adventure 4

Parker didn't show up again, and Bruce had moved to Florida, so it was just the few of us. I began to work some music into the game, although Lance took issue with me occasionally using tracks from World of Warcraft.

The trash compacter was utterly disgusting, covering them with filth and grime. The group managed to pull their injured out, rushing to get back into the cleaner (although more deadly) Freedom Station halls. Brushing themselves off, they cleared as best they could and made their way to the power control center to shut off the tractor beam, open the hangar bay, and escape. The Verpine carried Calrissian, who was unable to walk, while Nor’ein carried Skywalker. The pair of Kinsei took the lead while the IG-208 took the rear to protect the group.

A pair of unfortunate Rebel troopers rounded a corner just as the Imperials came to the intersection. Maliss cut one down with a lightsaber swing while his partner flung the other into the opposite wall with bone-crushing intensity. IG-208 shot another Rebel who ran out to investigate the cries as the rest ran down the corridor.

When they reached the control center, they were staggered by its size. It stretched as a void vertically as far as they could see in both directions, with a central power cable connecting computer consoles that extended from alternating catwalks. The Verpine stated that it would only require a minute to take the necessary steps and walked forward, only to be shot with a blaster by a waiting Mandalorian commando. It dropped to the ground as the party reacted, pulling it back and spotting both the Mandalorian who had made the shot as well as his partner. They were prone on the upper catwalk, which was 15 meters above them, on the other side of the cavernous room. A second shot rang out from the original gunman, striking the IG-208 squarely in its chest, sending it sparking to the floor. Making matters worse, the door behind them abruptly closed, sealing them in with the soldiers.

Suddenly with 4 members of the group out of commission, only the Kinsei and the brash Ensign remained. The Dashade was at a disadvantage against the ranged attackers, but the prodigy simply grabbed one with the Force, throwing him into the bottomless pit. The Mandalorian caught himself on the side, but a second tug with the Force threw him to his death. The second Mandalorian shot a grenade at the pair, cutting both with shrapnel, then rolled out of sight.

Skittishly, Nor’ein moved towards the console, the only one available to complete the computer objectives. Maliss, his blaster pulled out, watched the upper level warily while moving towards the turbolift to confront the Mandalorian directly. Just as he was to enter the turbolift, he sensed a trap with the Force, sending the thought telepathically to his partner. The younger Kinsei, seeing an opportunity as the Mandalorian came into view briefly, stunned him with the Force.

At that point, with Nor’ein beginning to start the work on the console, IG-208 began to reboot its damaged systems, while the Kinsei tried to figure a way to circumvent the traps on the turbolifts to get to the next level. At the suggestion of the prodigy, the Dashade ran and jumped up towards the next level. With the help of his partner moving him with the Force, he reached out and grabbed the bottom of the next level, having successfully leapt almost 15 meters in the air, and dragged himself up. Simultaneously, the droid swiftly sprinted across the catwalk, leapt in the air, and attached his magnetic feet to the wall, dragging itself upward against the station’s artificial gravity.

The Dashade stood, ran again, and tried to leap across to the Mandalorian, who had been unsuccessfully blasting him, but fell short, catching himself just in front of the soldier. The small Kinsei then gripped the neck of the mercenary with the Force, giving his partner a chance to climb up, ignite his lightsaber, and thrust it into the helmet of the enemy. IG-208 arrived next to him and gleefully began stripping the valuable Mandalorian armor, while the Kinsei took the opportunity to find out the details of the traps on the turbolifts. (They were some sort of gas designed to activate when the lift was activated.)

Just as Nor’ein finished his work at the console, shutting down the tractor beam, opening the hangar bay doors and the door they had entered through, 4 more Mandalorians arrived on the second level. Their leader was a fearsome Wookiee whose bowcaster bolt was barely deflected by the Dashade. With a fearsome shout in Shyriiwook, the Wookiee prepared to take a second shot at the Kinsei from across the catwalks. The hulking Kinsei dove down onto the first level, landing in a painful crouch. The IG-208 ran to the nearest turbolift, holding his prized armor, and entered, setting off the poisonous gas trap. Fortunately for him, he had no nervous system to shut down, and emerged a moment later on the first level, green gas pouring around him.

One of the Mandalorians chose that time to latch his magnetic grappling hook on the floor, swinging over the side. He tried to pull out his vibroblade at the same time, but the prodigy thrust him backwards with the Force, buying an extra moment to prepare. He gathered his anger, controlling it as a burst of Force lightning that coursed through the Mandalorian. The Mandalorian blademaster then brought out his weapon, feinted a charge but rolled next to the Kinsei, slashing his left hip when he came out of the roll. The extra moment of preparation allowed the Dashade to catch him with his lightsaber just after, cutting deeply through the armor of his shoulder. Flanked on both sides, the Mandalorian was very open to the younger Kinsei’s suggestion of terror, and fled without protecting himself, allowing the Dashade to cut him off at the knees, killing him.

As Ensign Nor’ein sprinted from the console to the door where his allies waited, the other Mandalorians swung down on their grappling hooks. The IG-208 slowed them down with cover fire, while the Kinsei threw a smoke grenade to mask their withdrawal. Dragging their wounded with them, the party activated the door’s control, closing it on their pursuers. The human prodigy allowed for another burst of lightning as the Wookiee howled in rage, denting the door as it closed in front of him. The group continued to return to the Falcon as quickly as possible, throwing down smoke grenades in their wake.

Upon arriving at the hangar bay, they were exhausted, wounded, covered in grime and blood. Calrissian and Fi’kz’ta were conscious, although barely able to walk on their own, but Skywalker was still drugged and out. Nor’ein was given the task of aiding them and carrying Skywalker while the rest provided protection. The last thing they needed was another fight, but it had found them anyway.

Greeting them was the sight of a handsome man wearing armored robes and carrying no weapons, flanked by two similarly dressed men. IG-208 was the first to respond, throwing his only remaining grenade, a stun grenade, at them. Despite being prepared for something, the leader was only able to move it slightly with the Force, still being caught in its blast. A little off-balance, he still gave them the order to give the Prince over, which the Imperials refused. They launched into a desperate barrage against the newcomers, with the small Kinsei knocking the two others prone, IG-208 blasting down some cover fire, and the Dashade charging forward and burying his lightsaber deep in the chest of the leader.

Looking a bit shocked by the sudden turn of events, the handsome man leaned forward and whispered into Maliss’s right ear, “Strike me down here, and I will not die, not by your hand, you inferior.” He then cracked his hand on that ear, bursting the eardrum. Enraged by these words and the damaging blow, the Dashade gave in to his anger, switched his lightsaber off. He gripped the hole in the other man’s chest with his claws and tore him open with a howl of rage, dropping the destroyed shell onto the floor. Shocked, the other two jumped to their feet and fled as quickly as possible.

The group limped into the Millennium Falcon, but they were not out of danger yet. Calrissian stumbled to the pilot’s seat and began takeoff while the Kinsei ran to the turrets to ward of the starfighters that would pursue them. They blasted a few Rebel ships with the Falcon’s relatively powerful guns, but a few stray shots rocked the ship. A few more moments of tense fighting took place and the Falcon hit hyperspace.

A moment of reflection allowed them to remember who the man was: one of the Rebel leaders, Diospholos, leader of the Sun Guard. This act would not be without its ramifications. It was something to dwell on as they made the short trip from the ruins of Alderaan to Coruscant.

Everyone survived, despite my promise to Bruce that he would die on the Death Star. We got some glimpses of recurring enemies, especially Chewbacca. Everyone leveled to 4 (except the absent Parker.) Justin's droid also now have some Mandalorian armor with those sweet grappling hooks. I expect great things.