Sunday, August 12, 2007

Party Description

Grand Admiral Thrawn arrived at Tatooine at Emperor Skywalker’s orders, only to find his fleet outnumbered by a surprise Rebel fleet. However, despite the surprise and the numbers, Thrawn managed to use his tactical superiority to hold the Rebels at bay. In the midst of the fight, he noticed a small diplomatic ship in the Rebel fleet; curious as to why such a small ship would be in the middle of a space battle, he sent a boarding party to it, led by Crown Prince Luke Skywalker.

Skywalker was accompanied by 4 Kinsei and about 20 Navy officers. Amongst this group were 2 Kinsei, a R&D specialist, a petty officer, and one of the few independent droids to be accepting into the Imperial Academy. Despite their junior status on the boarding party, this group would affect the fate of the galaxy in completely unexpected ways. Perhaps it was destiny or the Force intervening to place them in the situation that would provide the catalyst.

The first one noticed in the group was the hulking Dashade, Nos Maliss, imposing at best and terrifying at worst. While he was not particularly gifted with the finer aspects of the Force, his powerful strength and convictions made him an excellent Kinsei. After the destruction of his home planet in the Sith War of Exar Kun, he and 39 other survivors were placed in cryogenic stasis by the Black Sun; his chamber was lost tumbling through space until found by Imperial forces 2 years hence. Returning to a galaxy where the Republic was no more and his brethren had been wasted (as he saw it) by the Black Sun, he gladly took up the Kinsei offer when they sensed his Force sensitivity.

No less dangerous was the relatively diminutive Kinsei next to him. Despite his small stature and youth, the human used the Force as his weapon (usually his only weapon), training as extensively as he could. Considered a prodigy by many, he had completed his training by 15 and was one of the youngest active Kinsai in the Corps.

Next amongst the group was Fi’kz’ta, the Verpine Research and Development specialist that had been tasked onto the Imperial naval detachment by his superiors. Its main purpose was to find out more about the Rebel fleet, as to better design a suitable and efficient counter. Bright and inquisitive, it had spent most of its life to this point in studies and learning, but the rigors of the military worked well for its insectoid mindset. However, while the rest of his military crew was drawn to the weapons of the armory, he often collected empty datapads to later fill with data.

A quiet enigma to the group was the young petty officer, Ensign Altar Nor’ein, whose roguish ways made it a constant question how exactly he had passed the Imperial Academy. As it was, his father was an Admiral who longed for a son to succeed him, but saw nothing but disappointment in the son that he had. He had forced his son into the Academy at the end of his rebellious childhood, but the military had done little to temper him. He remained impulsive, tempestuous, and a little prone to kleptomania.

The final of the group was the most unusual: an independent droid known as IG-207. Droids rarely gained enough independence to be accepted as anything more than foot soldiers and cannon fodders, but this droid had succeeded in doing just that. It had developed a somewhat violent and pragmatic personality, often seeking efficient solutions to problems. A descendant model of the MagnaGuard IG-100 droids that accompanied General Grievous in the Clone Wars, it was swift and quick to shoot.

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