Sunday, August 12, 2007



Emperor Skywalker created the Empire out of the ashes of the Galactic Republic, which had been destroyed by the machinations of Palpatine. Publicly distancing himself from his former secret Master, the citizens of the galaxy saw him as a savior from the Clone Wars as well as the potential horrors of a Sith Emperor.

The Empire, with its massive military and the Kinsei Corps, enforced peace through the galaxy. However, thanks to restrictive economic policies of worlds seen as potentially disloyal, many of these became disloyal. The Empire’s allies include the Chiss Ascendancy, the Corporate Sector, and the Hapes Consortium, which maintain their autonomy in exchange for support.

Slavery and criminal organizations are banned and actively hunted by the Empire. One example of this was the case of the Black Sun, led by Prince Xizor. The Empire’s campaign against it regrettably resulted in a catastrophic explosion on the Falleen homeworld.

Notable members include Emperor Skywalker, Grand Admiral Thrawn, Captain Han Solo, and Colonel Soontir Fel.


The Kinsei Corps, created by Anakin Skywalker, is the primary peacekeeping force in the Galaxy. Similar to the Jedi of the Republic, they act as diplomats and peacekeepers, but are loyal to the Empire above the Force. Members of the Corps are not beholden to the Light Side or the dogma of the Jedi, and authorized to use any tools necessary to preserve the peace and serve the Empire; however, it is forbidden to wantonly use the Dark Side or act outside the will of the Emperor.

The Kinsei are organized into thousands of sectors spanning the galaxy. Each sector has several Kinsei assigned to protect it, with some of the more populous or important sectors having dozens or even hundreds of Kinsei assigned to them. The Kinsei inherited most of the recruitment of the Jedi, allowing for well over 10,000 Kinsei to be trained in the relatively peaceful two decades following the Clone Wars.

The Kinsei are a paramilitary organization, officially tied to the standing military of a sector. The fleets of the Empire also have their own detachments of Kinsei to aid them. (Thus, they are members of either the Imperial Army or Navy. Their official rank is appended with Kinsei and given command of members of a similar rank, so a Kinsei-Lieutenant would outrank a Lieutenant.)

Notable members include Emperor Skywalker, Crown Prince Luke Skywalker, Kyle Katarn, Koffi Arana, Antinnis Tremayne, and Princess Leia Skywalker.


The leaders of the Rebellion saw the fall of the Republic firsthand as Palpatine secured his power, and declared their intent to restore the Republic. When Skywalker took power instead of Palpatine, they continued their quest to bring back the Republic. The Rebellion began as an armed conflict seventeen years into his reign when the worlds of Chandrila, Corellia, and Alderaan declared themselves in rebellion after the signing of the Corellian Treaty. The Senators of those worlds, Mon Mothma, Bail Organa, and Garm Bel Iblis, formed the leadership of the Rebellion.

Several worlds quickly joined the Rebellion, including Mon Calamari, which modified its cruise ships into capital ships to challenge the Empire. Another world was Thyrsus, which was led by a charismatic noble named Diospholos. Thyrsus provided a proud warrior tradition matching the ferocity, if not the renown, of the Mandalorians.

The Rebellion has many allies in the enemies of the Empire. The Jedi, the Mandalorians, Confederate sympathizers, and various crime empires all support the Rebellion in some degree.

Notable members include Mon Mothma, Bail Organa, Garm Bel Iblis, Diospholos, Prince Xizor, and Wedge Antilles.

Jedi Order

Palpatine’s Order 66 nearly destroyed the Jedi Order. Already weakened by the Clone Wars, over 95% of the Jedi were killed in one brutal stroke. However, Skywalker chose not to pursue the Jedi after breaking ties with both them and the Sith. He instead offered amnesty to the Jedi, revealing Palpatine’s role in their destruction but hiding his own. He declared the Jedi teachings as dangerous absolutes that led to their own destruction and the near-destruction of the galaxy, and decreed the practice to be illegal.

Many of them chose to forsake their Jedi teachings and join his newfound Kinsei Corps, but many survivors simply went into hiding. They quietly recruited as many as they could, but their number never increased beyond a few hundred. Under the leadership of Master Shaak Ti, the only known survivor of the Jedi Council, the Jedi survived. When the Rebellion started, the Order offered its support. They sought to reclaim legitimacy and overthrow the Emperor, who they saw as a morally dubious oppressor.

Notable Members include Grand Master Shaak Ti, Masters Ferus Olin, Halagad Ventor, Roan Shryne, and Robilo Darté.


The Mandalorians were at their weakest point in galactic history after the Clone Wars. Of all the Mandalorians to fight in the conflict, only 3 survived. Two of those survivors, Tobbi Dala and Fenn Shysa, met the young Boba Fett in the following decade. Under their tutelage, Fett embraced his Mandalorian heritage, quickly rising through the ranks of the warrior clan. The Mandalorians, seeing his potential, made him their leader at the age of 25. As Mandalore, he enacted a wide program of economic reform and training, intent of resurrecting the Mandalorians as a military power.

At the onset of the Rebellion, Fett saw an opportunity to strengthen Mandalore by overthrowing the economic restrictions of the Empire. It was also a matter of personal vendetta, as he blamed Skywalker for the Battle of Geonosis and the death of his father. This vendetta allowed him to even work with the remaining Jedi, some of whom had been colleagues with his father’s killer, Mace Windu.

Numerically, the Mandalorians are not a significant threat. Approximately 3,000,000 Mandalorians live on Mandalore, about half of whom can mobilize for combat if necessary. However, they represent a warrior elite, and a few Mandalorians are seen as a match for entire legions of troops.

Notable members include Mandalore Boba Fett, his lieutenants Tobbi Dala and Fenn Shysa, and the first Wookiee Mandalorian, Chewbacca Ordo.

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