Sunday, August 12, 2007

New Force Powers

- Battle Valor [light side]

You use the Force to enhance your defensive skills. Time: Swift action. Target: You.

DC 15: Gain a +2 Force Bonus to your Defense scores and to all Use the Force checks made to Block, Deflect, and Redirect.

DC 20: As DC 15, except the Force bonuses increase to +4.

DC 25: As DC 20, except the Force bonuses increase to +6.

Special: You can spend a Force Point to extend the duration of your battle valor until the end of the encounter.

- Stun Droid

You use the Force to deal debilitating ion damage to a droid. Time: Standard action. Target: One droid target within 6 squares and within line of sight.

DC 15: The target takes 2d10 points of ion damage. If your Use the Force check equals or exceeds the target’s Damage Threshold, the target takes full damage. Otherwise, it takes half damage. (See ion damage, page 159.)

DC 20: As DC 15, except the target takes 4d10 points of ion damage.

DC 25: As DC 25, except the target takes 6d10 points of ion damage.

- Malacia [light side]

You use the Force to nauseate your opponents. Time: Standard action. Target: One living creature touched.

DC 20: If your Use the Force check equals to exceeds the target’s Will Defense, the target takes a persistent condition (nausea). 8 hours of rest or a Treat Injury check (DC determined by your Use the Force check) will remove this persistent condition.

- Force Horror [dark side, mind-affecting]

You use the Force to terrify your opponent. Time: Standard action. Target: One target within line of sight.

DC 15: The target flees in terror for one round at top speed, even if it is wounded. After stopping, the target takes a -5 penalty to any attempt to intimidate it. This is a fear effect. If your Use the Force check does not equal or exceed the target’s Will Defense, this power has no effect.

DC 20: As DC 15, except the duration extends to 2 rounds.

DC 25: As DC 20, except the duration extends to 3 rounds.

- Force Slow [dark side, mind-affecting]

You use the Force to poison the mind of your target, slowing its reflexes. Time: Standard action. Target: one target within 6 squares or line of sight.

Make a Use the Force check. If you equal or exceed the target’s Will Defense, the target’s speed is reduced by half for one minute.

Special: You can spend a Force Point to extend the duration to an hour.

- Flash of Light [light side]

You use the Force to create a bright, even blinding, flash of light. Time: Standard action. Target: 6-square cone.

Make a Use the Force check and compare the results to the Fortitude Defense of all targets in the cone. If you equal or exceed the target’s Fortitude Defense, the target is blinded for one round, plus one round for each 5 by which your Use the Force check exceeds his Fortitude Defense.

Special: If used in an area of low light or total darkness, targets take a -5 penalty to their Fortitude Defense for the purpose of this power. The power also illuminates a 10-square radius around the Force-user for one round.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.