Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Adventure 6

I haven't had a chance to write up what happened in Adventure 6 yet with school starting. Hopefully I'll have some free time to do so. Justin returned to play, so I was challenged to keeping all 3 players in the game despite their characters being spread across the galaxy. Lance's was floating in space, mourning his long-dead race; Rob's was running around Coruscant, enjoying some R&R; and Justin's was attached to Thrawn's Navy at the Battle of Dantooine. Eventually, they met up, but it was a good lesson switching between the three solo adventures.
The pair of Kinsei landed on the Coruscant surface, trying to evade Black Sun agents until they could be extracted. They hid out in a pawn shop owned by an elderly Rodian named Freego, who recognized them as Kinsei and allowed them to hide in his "special" section. Princess Leia Skywalker lead the extraction team, using mind trick to distract the agents. The Dashade, still seething over what he had done on the skyhook, was sullen and withdrawn.

Skywalker arranged for him to gain a Kinsei ship and gave both Kinsei a 3 week R&R pass. Maliss immediately took the ship and flew to the former location of his home planet to meditate and mourn. The Prodigy, on the other hand, tried to do some work and research. Kyle Katarn, his superior officer, insisted that he go out and have some fun; he jokingly threatened to dismember the youth if he didn't leave the premises. He arranged a penthouse suite of a local hotel for him to stay, and went out with him (and a disguised Luke Skywalker) to a few bars.

The Prodigy ended up sleeping with a beautiful, dark-haired woman named Shira, who wasn't present in the morning. However, she had left a card with the address of a nearby warehouse and a time. He went to the factory, where he met an organization calling themselves the Emperor's Hands. As explained by their leader, Mara Jade, they were a number of Kinsei willing to accept morally difficult tasks so that the Emperor would not have to. He (and the Imperial family) was unaware of the organization, but they were nevertheless devoted to him. She suggested that it was them who had caused the destruction of Alderaan. The Prodigy, despite any personal misgivings and the opposition of a few of the Emperor's Hands, joined the organization.

IG-203 was meanwhile busy at the Battle of Dantooine. Acting on a very unorthodox plan by Captain Han Solo, the droid rode on the outside of a TIE-X flown by Captain Soontir Fel. The Rebel fighters were still a mystery to the Empire, as they had been unable to capture any. However, IG-203 magnetically latched onto a SoroSuub YB-3, destroyed the astromech droid, killed the pilot, and flew it back to the Imperial fleet despite being exposed to vacuum. The overall battle was a resounding Imperial success: Thrawn had caught a Rebel fleet in transit from Dantooine to their next base and destroyed a dozen frigates, plus several dozen transport ships. Unfortunately, Vice Admiral Tarkin simultaneously bungled the Battle of Yavin, losing 3 Star Destroyers and failing to destroy Freedom Station.

Nos Maliss had been in the former orbit of his planet for a few days when he heard the taunting voice of Diospholos, who he had killed on Freedom Station a few weeks prior. He taunted the Dashade about dooming his planet, but Maliss was not swayed from his decision. They argued for a while until Diospholos went silent.

After the three weeks were over, the Kinsei both returned to Headquarters, where they were joined by IG-203. The droid had been assigned to join them on their mission. Katarn explained to them that they were to pursue a radical Jedi sect called the Sentinels. They had been sighted on the planet Anaxes; the trio was assigned to investigate the rumors.

On Anaxes, they discovered a terrorist plot to destroy a nuclear plant. A Hutt crime lord gave them the information because the Jedi had bought detonite from a competitor. The Sentinels, along with some local mercenaries, had killed the guards and were rigging up the explosives when the Kinsei team arrived. The pair of Kinsei engaged a pair of Sentinels while the droid began taking out the mercenaries. One dying mercenary fell on the detonator, starting the timer. Both Jedi and the mercenaries began to flee, but one Sentinel was caught by the Kinsei teamwork.

The droid disabled the explosives and collected the detonite. While back in transit to Coruscant, each tried to gain as much information as possible from the Jedi. They discovered that the Sentinel cells were independent, but still received orders from a hierarchy.

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