Sunday, August 12, 2007

House Rules (Subject to Change)


Condition Track

Normal: 100-70% no penalty

Battered: 69-40% -1 penalty

Injured: 39-20% -2 penalty

Wounded: 19-10% -5 penalty

Critical: 9%-1hp -10 penalty, ½ speed

If an attack would knock you X steps down the condition track, you are “staggered” for X rounds instead. A “staggered” character can only take one standard and one swift action per round.

Armor now gives DR X, where X is the normal bonus to Fortitude.

Heroic characters regain Force Points at a rate of one per day, up to their maximum limit equal to their Wisdom modifier + ½ heroic level (minimum 1.) To use Force Points to reduce your Dark Side Score by 1, you must be at your maximum limit and spend all Force Point. To use Force Points to be knocked unconscious instead of killed, you must spend 1 extra Force Point for each multiple of your Damage Threshold done in damage. If you would take a class that would give you more Force Points per level than any other class you currently have, increase your maximum limit by the difference.


Recover: You may spend 3 consecutive swift actions or spend a Force Point as a swift action to ignore the Condition Track for 1 round.

Grapple Rules

- Base Grapple Bonus: Base Attack + (Strength OR Dexterity, whichever is higher)

- Size Modifiers: Fine -20, Diminutive -15, Tiny -10, Small -5, Large +5, Huge +10, Gargantuan +15, Colossal +20

- Disarm: As a standard action, you may attempt to disarm an adjacent target. You and the target make opposed grapple checks. If either you or the target is using more than one hand or there is a condition that makes it particularly difficult or easy to take, that character gets a +5 bonus per extra hand or condition in their favor on this check. If you succeed, you can take the disarmed weapon or immediately throw it anywhere within 6 squares. If you fail, your opponent can make an immediate attack of opportunity against you.

- Grapple: As a standard action, you may make a grapple attack against an adjacent target no more than 1 size category larger than you. You may only make a grapple attack against a single target at time, but there is no limit to how many characters can make grapple attacks on a single target at once. You and the target make opposed grapple checks. If you win, until you or the target breaks the grapple, neither can move or attack (except with natural weapons or unarmed attacks) without another grapple check. If you have the Pin, Crush, Trip, or Throw feats, you may use them now. If you lose, the target may make an immediate attack of opportunity against you.

- While in a Grapple: If you are currently in a grapple, you must make an opposed grapple check with the other participant(s) in order to perform most actions. (If there are multiple participants, make the checks individually. You must succeed at all of them.) If you succeed at an opposed grapple check, you may maintain the grapple and perform a move action (although your speed is reduced by half). If you succeed at an opposed grapple check, you may maintain the grapple and roll damage with a light weapon or one-handed lightsaber against any participant. If you lose, nothing happens.

- Breaking a Grapple: As a standard action, you may attempt to break a grapple. Make an opposed grapple check with the other participant(s) in the grapple. (If there are multiple participants, make the checks individually. You must succeed at all of them.) If you win, you may move the other participant to any adjacent square. That participant is no longer grappling you. If you lose, nothing happens.

Tumble check: Against a target with heroic levels, the target may attempt an attack of opportunity. Make an opposed Acrobatics check against the target’s Initiative check. If you win, you avoid the attack of opportunity. If you lose, the target may make an immediate attack of opportunity.


Ranged Disarm: You can disarm an opponent using a ranged attack. You must replace your grapple check with your ranged attack roll.

Indomitable: You are always treated as if you are one step higher on the condition track.

Equilibrium: Whenever you spend a Force Point to ignore the Condition Track for 1 round, you instead ignore it for 2 rounds.


Force Boon: Your maximum number of Force Points is increased by 2.

Dodge: Once per round, you may force a target to reroll any attack made against you and take the second result.

Shake It Off: If you would take damage that is not greater than your damage threshold, but would lower you a step on the condition track, you may spend a Force Point to instead move to the minimum range of your current step. (For instance, if a character with 100 maximum hit points, 75 current hit points, and a damage threshold of 20 would take 15 damage, he could use this feat to be reduced to 70 hit points instead of 60.)


Move object & Force grip: You take a cumulative -5 penalty on your Use the Force check for each round spent maintaining this power beyond the first.


Constitution Score: Droids can have a Constitution score to signify resilience or delicacy of construction.

Leveling: When receiving a bonus to ability scores at 4th, 8th, etc, a droid cannot select Constitution.

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